Bubblegum Betty

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Seiden Grace...You are TEN Months Old!!! (8-19-14)

10 months...I can't believe that my sweet little newborn is growing more and more into a toddler everyday.  Not that I'm rushing.  Or, even want to say the words "toddler" and "Seiden" in the same sentence for many, many more months.  But, she is just growing up so much and so fast.  I know I'm going to blink and she really will be toddling around, holding our hands.

Everyday, Seiden is doing something new.  And it's been SO fun to watch her grow and develop.  It's even more fun to watch her get so excited when she figures out how to do something new or even comes up with some cute new sounds she's made.  She has learned how to blow bubbles with her mouth, she has learned how to blow on my leg (like I blow on her tummy and make her giggle...the sweetest giggle I might add!), she dances when there's music on TV, one of her toys plays music, or our phones go off and the ringer is a song, she has learned how to clap, she has learned how to play peek-a-boo by putting any type of object over her eyes, she has learned how to raise her hands up in the air when she wants to be cheered for (adorable), and...my favorite...she has learned how to wave!  And...she waves like a little princess or future Miss America!  It's seriously the cutest, sweetest, most precious, dainty wave I've ever seen a baby do and I absolutely LOVE it!

Seiden has also started eating more and more "big" people food.  She sits down at dinner time with us and just gobbles up anything we put on her high chair.  Her favorites are cheese, turkey lunch meat, eggs, waffles, pancakes, Opa's homemade French toast (cause Opa's are the BEST!!!), biscuits, sweet potatoes, potatoes, bananas, avocados, and black bean burgers.  She also has a few not-so-favorites.  Those include, peas, carrots, and yogurt.  Now that she knows and recognizes those three "icky" foods, she will turn her head away or put her hand up if I try to put a bite in her mouth.  Little diva!  She's a good little eater though.  We are still feeding her baby food puree at dinner along with three other times during the day.  And, she still gets a bottle 4 times a day.  Although, she is drinking less and less from them.  She used to drink 6 ounces and now she is drinking 4 ounces (on a good day) at every feeding except the 8:00 bed time bottle.  She gets 7 ounces in that one.  But, even that one she stops drinking before she's finished.  I don't know if it's because she's so full from all the other food she gets throughout the day or if it's because she's teething.

Yep...TEETHING!  I've only been saying she's teething since she's been 4 months old.  No lie.  It's a joke between Cody and my parents.  If she's even the least bit fussy, has an irregular diaper, is drooling a little more than normal, or any other teething symptom, they all go...well Melissa...I bet it's just cause she's teething and then laugh like they've just made the most hilarious joke in the world.  So. Not. Funny!  Well...the joke's on them now.  Because...she really is getting a tooth on the bottom!  And...maybe one on the top.  It's hard to tell because she won't let me stick my finger in her mouth to see.  The only way I knew for sure she was cutting one on the bottom is because she went to gum on arm, it was scratchy!  Now, anytime she does that, you can really feel that little tooth coming in.  And, I have to say, she's a pretty good little teether.  She's had a couple of rough nights.  But, other than that, and her not drinking her bottles as well, she's really not complained or had any hard symptoms.  She's such a good girl!

I just really can't even believe that in two short months we will be celebrating our little princesses first birthday.  It is going by so, so fast.  I just want to freeze time or make at lest slow down a little bit.  I am enjoying every single second of everyday of being her mommy and watching her grow into such a beautiful, smart, fun, hilarious, perfect, healthy, thriving, happy baby girl.  I love her more than words could ever express.  It's truly an unconditional love that overflows in my heart that I could never put into words.  Cody and I are so blessed by her and her sweet, loving spirit.  She is a God-send.  A precious miracle that we get to call ours.  Seiden Grace...you are loved more than you will ever know.  You fill our days with joy and laughter and we fall more and more in love with you each and everyday.  Happy 10 Months baby girl!!!  We love you!

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